A meeting to introduce the online learning platform for the Australia-Indonesia Museums (AIM) Project was held on Friday 23rd of July 2021. The online meeting brought together the twenty-two (22) AIM participants, representing fifteen (15) museums from across Indonesia.
The object of the meeting was to introduce the AIM participants to the 'Cloud Deakin’ online learning platform. Cloud Deakin is a virtual workshop space that provides access to articles, videos and other resources. The meeting was facilitated by the Directorate for Cultural Human Resource Development, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology, Deakin University, Western Australian Museum, and Southeast Asia Museum Services (SEAMS).
The AIM Cloud page includes a number of training topics related to researching and interpreting museum objects, including: An introduction to the Significance methodology; provenance research; oral histories and community consultations; condition assessments; and developing exhibitions and narratives about objects. The Western Australian Museum and SEAMS have developed a number of videos for the Cloud platform to illustrate the trainings topics.
The AIM Project is made possible through grant funding from the Australia-Indonesia Institute of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. #aimproject#australia#indonesia#museumworkshops
